EC is inspired by Darwinian principle of "survival of the fittest" which we observed in daily life.Under that we have learn about
First four techniques are used to optimization, constraint satisfaction problems while the most interesting part that is LCS use for automatic rule generation.It can be use as alternative for Expert Systems(ES).
Under LCS we have solved the problems like
What makes these techniques more interesting is that all these techniques has concept and no rigid ways to implement them.It is our responsibility to understand them and apply them accordingly.
I invite all computer science undergraduates to discuss on these technique and like to say that if you have a chance to learn Evolutionary Computing Don't miss it.
EC kuppis as we called it were great indeed.
University life should have been like that. Thats how we should have done all our subjects.
It was a great learning experience indeed. We learned the subject through Collective, Collaborative discussions. At first non of us knew the subject much, but the discussions helped us to critically think about things we would have never thought alone.
I feel that "Research Seminar" is the subject which gave us the foundation to discuss like that.
There is a sense of sadness as to why we didn't learn like this earlier.
Glad that there is some semester more to do the other subjects also like EC.
It would be great if we could continue this next semester too. It will be a great learning experience if we start the discussions from the first week of studies for each subject and do one hour every week.
It will teach us MANY things about the subjects.
Yes nilu I accepted that we should learn the things like that. But the problem is that are all these subject allow us to think critically?.
Most of these subject have specific things that is they should be done in this way, what I feel in EC we don't have such thing only thing is that we should justify what we have done. So this is the characteristic that subject should have to improve thinking.
And also I agree that research seminar class has done lot to improve our ability to argue on subject matters.There are several discussions that I may remember forever like Akila's one.Thanks Mr Dulan Wathugala for giving us such a oppotunity and encourage us to have discussions.
Hope we will have subject like this in the next semester and have great time with our batch mates.
Adenawa ... duka hithenawa ... ohh man wish we sud atleast have another chance to go back to such a joyful life ...
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